Our faith rests firmly on the reliability of time-tested reactor technology. Committed to pioneering the research of advanced nuclear fuel cycles, our work has focused on carefully and thoughtfully reimagining fuel technology while keeping the inherent benefits of thorium in mind. By innovating on thorium driven fuel technology while leaving existing reactors unchanged, we have achieved revolutionary benefits deployable in a fraction of the time compared to new reactor concepts.
Introducing ANEEL Fuel: Advanced Nuclear Energy for Enriched Life

ANEEL™ Fuel will provide a direct path to development and dignity for emerging nations
ANEEL™ Fuel Benefits
By achieving greater output within existing safety margins, ANEEL Fuel substantially reduces operating costs of existing reactors
Through optimization for use in existing small modular reactors, ANEEL Fuel offers an ideal fit for emerging nations equipped with small grid sizes
Through high burnup fuel performance, ANEEL Fuel reduces nuclear waste generation by over 85% and reduces waste storage volume
By ensuring proliferation resistance using thorium in ANEEL Fuel, nuclear capacity can be deployed to nations that were previously unaddressable
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