In the News

Milan Shah Milan Shah

Clean Core Prepares for Testing of Innovative Fuel

Nuclear fuel innovation company Clean Core Thorium Energy has signed a new strategic partnership agreement with the US Department of Energy (DOE) which details next steps for irradiation testing and qualification of its Advanced Nuclear Energy for Enriched Life (ANEEL) fuel in Idaho National Laboratory's (INL's) Advanced Test Reactor.

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Milan Shah Milan Shah

Clean Core Thorium Energy and US Department of Energy Sign Strategic Partnership Agreement

Chicago, June 14, 2022 – Clean Core Thorium Energy (Clean Core) has announced its new strategic partnership agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy for the testing of Clean Core’s innovative fuel for nuclear power plants. The announced agreement details next steps for irradiation testing and qualification in Idaho National Laboratory’s Advanced Test Reactor of Clean Core’s advanced nuclear fuel, marking a major milestone in the commercialization of thorium-based energy.

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Milan Shah Milan Shah

Canada And The United States CrissCross Support For Nuclear Energy's Bright Future, Forbes

The United States and Canada have a lot to collaborate on in the nuclear energy field, and they seem to be doing a good job of it. Each country is considering each other’s reactor designs and each has funded or chosen to review some of those from both countries. (Photo: Bruce Power). But a new fuel developed in the United States by Clean Core Thorium Energy can increase power and result in much less waste. The Advanced Nuclear Energy for Enriched Life, or ANEEL, fuel combines thorium (Th) with High-Assay, Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU).

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Milan Shah Milan Shah

USA Builds HALEU Supply Chain, World Nuclear News

The US Department of Energy (DOE) is asking the public for its input on plans to create a new programme to assure the availability of high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel - needed for the demonstration and commercial deployment of advanced reactors - in the USA. Meanwhile, Centrus is working with Clean Core Thorium Energy on advanced fuel using HALEU and thorium. (Photo: Centrus)

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Milan Shah Milan Shah

New Nuclear Fuel Can Be Here Even Faster Than New Reactors, Forbes

A variety of new nuclear fuels are being developed to address existing and new generation reactors, including being accident tolerant, being longer lasting, being cheaper, providing more energy power, providing some recycling of previous fuel, providing easier refueling, being easier to store and dispose, and proliferation resistant. An example of an advanced fuel innovation is Clean Core Thorium Energy’s (CCTE) fuel to addresses several of these issues at once.

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Milan Shah Milan Shah

ANEEL and its Appeal, Nuclear Engineering International

Researchers at Texas A&M and the US Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory have partnered with Clean Core Thorium Energy to fabricate a proprietary thorium-based nuclear fuel called Advanced Nuclear Energy for Enriched Life (Aneel) for PHWRs

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Milan Shah Milan Shah

New nuclear fuel could replace uranium in reactors, Freethink

Nuclear power could play a pivotal role in the fight against climate change — it’s cleaner than fossil fuels and more reliable than renewables such as wind or solar. But one thing holding the industry back is the need for a better nuclear fuel — and a team of researchers may have figured out how to make it.

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